
28. Dezember 2018

Business Models for the Digital Economy - AMCIS 2019 Mini-Track

Der Minitrack Business Models for the Digital Economy findet im Rahmen der Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) 2019 bereits zum 20. Mal statt. Die AMCIS 2019 findet vom 15.-17. August 2019 in Cancún, México, statt.

Inhaltlich thematisiert der Minitrack vor allem neue und innovative Formen der Wertschöpfung in der Digital Economy:
"This mini-track serves as a forum for the presentation and discussion of new and innovative approaches to business models for coping with the challenges of the digital economy and digital transformation of businesses, and beyond. We consider an economy based on the digitization of information and the respective information and communication infrastructure as the digital economy. These developments are creating and are requiring new types of business models. Value creation processes and structures will be altered radically and may be disruptive, new types of products, as well as services, are emerging. New technologies, such as blockchain or conversational interfaces, are important enablers. Therefore, this mini-track addresses all topics concerned with the analysis, design, development, implementation, evaluation, and control of future business models for the creation of economic value in the digital economy from a communication, organizational, business, economic, and managerial perspective applying a theoretical, conceptual, or practical approach."

Hier geht's zum Call for Papers.

Die Website enthält die publizierten Beiträge aller bisherigen Minitracks.

Hintergrund zur AMCIS:
"The annual Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) is viewed as one of the leading conferences for presenting the broadest variety of research done by and for IS/IT academicians. Every year its papers and panel presentations are selected from over 700 submissions, and the AMCIS proceedings are in the permanent collections of libraries throughout the world." (

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